Page 31 - Shepherd Commercial Auctions - Catalogue 20/06/2024
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14.10 In the case of written ‘proxy’ bids, the auctioneer’s staff will compete in the bidding up to the maximum of the authorisation. If no maximum is inserted, the auctioneer’s staff will not bid. We do not guarantee to regulate the bidding so that the maximum authorised bid actually falls to the written bidder.
14.11 Once authority to bid has been given, this is binding on you up to 11pm on the day on which the particular lot is auctioned. This is to allow for the possibility of a seller agreeing to sell post auction where the bidding has not reached the reserve.
14.12 The authority can only be withdrawn by written notification via email actually received us by 5pm the day before the Auction, or delivered into the hands of the acting auctioneer in the Auction room half an hour before the start of that day’s Auction. It is your responsibility to obtain a receipt of a copy of the withdrawal notification authorised by a representative of the Auctioneer. Without such a receipt, the authority stands, and any successful contract is binding on you.
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14.14 The receipt of a remote bid shall not in any way hinder the right of the seller (or auctioneer) to withdraw any lot or to sell prior to auction to a third party.
14.15 The auctioneer may disclose to the seller that a Remote BidhasbeenenteredfortheProperty, but not the amount of the maximum bid.
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Events, (hosted by a live auctioneer), the auction for the lot will end on the fall of the auctioneer’s gavel.
15.2 As soon as the events mentioned in 15.1 (as appropriate) occur, you are immediately liable to pay the deposit and applicable fees. You immediately become responsible for insuring the property – the property is at your risk from the moment that you win the bid.
15.3 You must present to us your name and address on request and, if appropriate, the name and address of the person or company on whose behalf you were bidding.
15.4 We reserve the right to require you to provide a form of ID to us, on request, to hold as security (e.g.: passport or driving license).
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16.1 You must view the legal pack and home report for a lot. It is strongly recommended that you instruct a qualified professional to review this and raise any necessary enquiries before bidding.
16.2 The legal pack and home report can change at any time up until the auction starts so you must check the most recent version of the legal pack and the addendum before bidding on the property. Failure to check for changes to the legal pack will not be a valid reason for withdrawing from the sale.
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18.2.3 Take all necessary measures to complete the sale within 20 business days (or as otherwise stated in the special conditions);
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18.2.6 Pay a deposit (see clause 4); and
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19.1. The Auctioneer may, on a case-by-case basis as it deems appropriate, facilitate ‘private treaty’ sales, whereby the property may be sold outside of auction conditions. In the event of such a private treaty sale, the Auctioneer shall still be due the applicable Buyer’s Fee/Reservation Fee as would be due in accordance with our auction terms.
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19.3. As Auctioneer, we may work to facilitate such a private treaty sale in partnership with other agents. It shall not be a valid reason for you to refuse or reduce payment of the Buyer’s Fee/Reservation Fee on completion to us on the grounds of the comparative amount of work performed by any other agent facilitating the sale. If you fail to pay the full fee in accordance with the arrangements stated on the memorandum of sale, we as Auctioneer reserve the right to take enforcement action against you with debt recovery agents.
19.1 When you pay a deposit, we will hold your deposit as stakeholder for the seller (subject to clause 19.6)
19.2 The deposit is non-refundable. If you withdraw from the sale, you will not get your deposit back. We will pay the deposit to the seller’s solicitor/conveyancer.
19.3 If the seller withdraws from the sale, we will return the deposit to you or your solicitor/conveyancer.
19.4 When the sale completes, we will pass the deposit to the seller’s solicitor/conveyancer and it will be deducted from the purchase price of the property.
19.5 We may retain the Minute of Preference and Enactment signed by or on behalf of the seller until the deposit has been received in cleared funds.
19.6 If you pay the deposit but do not pay your Buyer’s Fee on time, we may deduct the amount of the outstanding fees from the deposit. This means that the amount passed to the seller’s solicitor/conveyancer will be the deposit less any
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bidding by
15.1 The successful bidder is under a binding contract to purchase the relevant property when the auction for the lot comes to an end. For Timed Auctions conducted online, the timeslot for each lot will be displayed on the webpage. For Auction |
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